2024 Cohort


Jessica Arzate Cerecedo


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Growing up in a conservative Catholic middle-class environment in Mexico made becoming an artist seem like a far fetched dream. But at 17, I discovered filmmaking, which became my first love. Over time, I realized that telling stories through visuals is my most sincere gift to the world. I want to use my skills to create empathy and tell authentic stories about my community, breaking free from stereotypes.

Kelvin Kataria


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From my art curation and background of having immigrant parents with interesting stories to tell, I'm not afraid to adventure outside the medium of cinema for inspiration. I'm equally influenced by various artistic mediums, especially journalistic stills photography. I also treat collaboration as the soul of creativity.

Shih-Hsuan Kuo


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My profound sensitivity to human emotion uniquely shapes my storytelling. As a Taiwanese filmmaker, I am deeply rooted in our cultural values of hospitality, diversity, and compassion for humanity. Understanding that emotions are expressed differently across cultures, I am strongly inclined to learn about diverse cultural perspectives.

Sophia Williams


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One of the most influential elements to me as a storyteller is my experience growing up as a mixed child in the rural south. Many would consider my family to be unique in composition. The diversity within my family encouraged me to stay open and empathetic to my neighbors, regardless of race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.

costume designers

Nataly Berrio-Gil


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Growing up in Queens and having not only that New York perspective but also that Latino (Brazilian & Colombian) point of view makes my storytelling perspective unique. Being a part of 3 different communities is what gives me an advantage in styling. I see the world and fashion through all these different lenses which helps me put together one of a kind looks.

Bre’jon Golden


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What makes my storytelling perspective unique is that it's mine. I'm the only human on this earth in my body experiencing the ups and downs of my upbringing and my life so that within itself is unique. I come from a complex background of colorful personalities and culture and I bring that with me to every set.

Kostya Goncharuk


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My story is unique, because it's about strength. It's about following the dream and passion to it no matter what.

Bebe LaMonica


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What makes my storytelling perspective unique is rooted in its authenticity—it is inherently my own. Each person's journey is distinct, shaped by individual experiences, insights, and the lens through which they view the world.


Ewurakua Dawson-Amoah


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Jalen Blot


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Vivian Ip


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I grew up in a predominantly white town with immigrant parents hailing from Ghana and St. Lucia. My escape was my home and my church, a Black Baptist congregation a state away. I drew my early artistic influences from the way my pastor delivered scripture; his words and cadence read like poetry.

My voice as a director is shaped by a deep-seated belief in the power of storytelling to bridge divides and illuminate shared human experiences. This belief informs a directing style that is unique in its approach and universal in its resonance. My commitment to infusing every project with authenticity and inclusivity makes my storytelling voice unique.

My storytelling perspective is derived from my life experiences, and what strikes curiosity in me. That is usually the behaviours and thinkings of other people. I strive to move audiences and make an impact on those who need it the most.

Destinee Stewart


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I am drawn to stories highlighting the complexity and nuances of women and BIPOC individuals. Melding together my spirituality and humor, I create stories that foster human connection and expression by telling authentic stories that captivate audiences.


Desire Lacap


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My storytelling perspective is unique in the way where I approach storytelling from a place of authentic vulnerability as I invite audiences into an intimate journey of self discovery and connection. I understand that's not enough to drive meaningful change so my storytelling perspective is further distinguished by its unwavering commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Alexander Gonzalez


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Feeling lost and in search of connection, I created stop-motion movies with my Godzilla toys when I was a kid. Now, I aim to offer belonging and joy to the people who desire inclusion through my whimsical and fantastical work. Through my work, I hope to make you laugh, consider a new thought, and leave feeling hopeful.

Jasmyn Lynn


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What makes my storytelling perspective unique is my introspection. I love developing stories that bring an audience deep into the mind of a character-- an "unreliable narrator" of sorts. I believe this is what creates the human connection that we seek in any art form, and what makes a story a memorable one.

Yessenia Sanchez


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Never being able to fit into society’s mold allowed me to see the world in a different way. It showed me just how unique I was, and still am. Watching my parents build their small businesses from scratch and making a life for themselves here in the US became the blueprint to the kind of storyteller I want to be: If you can’t find the stories that speak to you, make them.


Andrew St Juste


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Epiphany Rose Ciers


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I have a unique perspective because I lived a number of lives. Through all the things that make us different, I have found a way to establish common ground through engaging content and heartfelt stories.

What makes my storytelling perspective unique is rooted in my identity as a Black woman from Houston, Texas. In a city where stories from diverse backgrounds often go untold, I bring forth narratives shaped by the rich tapestry of cultures and experiences surrounding me.

Roxanne Griffith


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I feel that I have a unique perspective coming from a mixed background. I am half Persian, and feel very connected with my culture and heritage. But I am also white passing, so I feel that I border two different worlds and often feel I do not belong to either one. This makes me notice more of the subtitles of the different cultures, and how also I act differently in those spaces.

Parco Richardson


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What sets my storytelling perspective apart is my unwavering commitment to shattering the conventional norms imposed by Hollywood on people of color. I strive to carve out narratives that are refreshingly original, placing people of color at the forefront in authentic and nuanced ways.


Mariah Bennett


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What makes me unique is my ability to use design elements with the narrative to create a cohesive and immersive experience for the audience. I delve deep into the story's setting, time period, and character backgrounds to ensure that every visual choice reflects and enhances the narrative.

Valeria Vera-Crespo


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Born and raised in the DMV, I was thankfully surrounded by a large Bolivian community. I am inspired by the colors and iconography within my culture and hope to share this in my work someday. With my work, I also hope to bring more cultures to light and share their beauty with people who may not have been exposed to it otherwise.

Rohini Jadhav


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I am an Indian citizen, who grew up in the Middle-East in Oman, moving back to my home country to pursue my undergraduate degree, before finally moving to the US for my post-graduate degree and work. As a multi-lingual third-culture immigrant, I bring an amalgamation of cultures and worlds together, shaping my own unique perspective to storytelling.

Sara Lowe


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Blame it on the Gemini Moon in my astrological charts - to my core is curiosity. It’s not in my nature to be stagnant; I need to try everything. My work as a Chinese-American designer is driven by my aspirations to implement sustainability and social justice, culturally and ethnically, into production design processes.


Andrew Asemokai


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My storytelling perspective is unique because no one has lived in my shoes. Especially coming into film composing as an African American man who grew up on music that is often different from what the stereotypical film composer listens to, my music lends itself to catchy melodies and hypnotic rhythms.

Marie A. Douglas


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I exist as an anomaly, in the world. A woman, Black, blessed to be educated and unafraid to aspire to compose, conduct, and direct at the highest possible levels in this world. There are very few examples of Black women who have been afforded the pedigree needed to compete with individuals who are systemically privy to the compositional and musical vernacular and common practice techniques needed to compete in this industry.

Oscar Pan


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I think everyone's music is unique as long as they stay true to themselves because everyone's stories matter. What sets my music apart from others is precisely my life experience, background, and worldviews, which are different from everybody else's.

Yasna Vismale


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I don’t think I am necessarily a ‘unique’ individual but I believe my life experiences and the communities I am a part of allow me have a unique perspective and place me in unique position.I think rather than me being inherently unique I just happen to be lucky to have had the experiences I have had through the different lens and identities I hold which allow me to explore certain concepts through their intersections.


A space for emerging creators to build community created by ColorCreative. ColorCreative was founded by Issa Rae and Deniese Davis to support and develop the voices of the future while enabling women and people-of-color creators to reach their greatest potential.